Friday, August 17, 2007

Like never before

First of all, let me tell u y i chose the title Like never before. I believe everything that happens to you is just a link in the chain of events which determine the coarse of your life. Every little happening affects us in some way and things are like never before.

Subconciously may be I wanted this title coz looking back at the past one year of my life, ohhh...wait...first lemme tell u y all this looking back happened...I celebrated my 23rd b'day couple of days back and birthdays are time when people tend to look at the past year introspect and blah blah blah, I realized how much had changed both within me and around me.....I realized that things are like never before and i know that they are never going to be the same again. Dont know how much of it has been for the better and how much of it for the worse...but life is changing and it is changing fast. As I see it there is a lot more to come...something big and unknown and I'm waiting its arrival with bated breath.

Who's to know, then again things may be like never before


SunnySaint said...

Change is a hardwork, good that u see changes with yourself.

Kanu said...

Life is always changing, every minute, every second. Sometimes we let the changes to happen and keep on surging ahead but sometimes it changes too fast and we are forced to stop and look at it to observe the changes. We are forced to look our present, backward and forward life.
Believe me, whenever we stop and look at our life we find it to be "LIKE NEVER BEFORE".